// Method 1 constbindTop1 = () => { window.scrollTo(0, 0) document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0; } // Method 2: Scrolling through the timer will be visually smoother, without much lag effect constbindTop2 = () => { const timeTop = setInterval(() => { document.documentElement.scrollTop = scrollTopH.value -= 50 if (scrollTopH.value <= 0) { clearInterval(timeTop) } }, 10) }
const copyText = (text) => { const clipboardStr = window.clipboardStr if (clipboardStr) { clipboardStr.clearData() clipboardStr.setData('Text', text) return true } else if (document.execCommand) { //Note: document, execCommand is deprecated but some browsers still support it. Remember to check the compatibility when using it // Get the content to be copied by creating a dom element const el = document.createElement('textarea') el.value = text el.setAttribute('readonly', '') el.style.position = 'absolute' el.style.left = '-9999px' document.body.appendChild(el) el.select() // Copy the current content to the clipboard document.execCommand('copy') // delete el node document.body.removeChild(el) return true } return false }
在前端开发的过程中,我们会遇到很多按钮被频繁点击,然后触发多个事件,但是我们又不想触发事件太频繁。这里有两种常见的解决方案来防止 Debouncing 和 Throttling。
防抖: 输入搜索,当用户不断输入内容时,使用防抖来减少请求次数,节省请求资源。
节流:场景一般是按钮点击。一秒内点击 10 次将发起 10 个请求。节流后,1秒内点击多次,只会触发一次。
// Debouncing // fn is the function that needs anti-shake, delay is the timer time function debounce(fn,delay){ let timer = null; return function () { //if the timer exists, clear the timer and restart the timer if(timer){ clearTimeout(timeout); } //Set a timer and execute the actual function to be executed after a specified time timeout = setTimeout(() => { fn.apply(this); }, delay); } } // Throttling function throttle(fn) { let timer = null; // First set a variable, when the timer is not executed, the default is null return function () { if (timer) return; // When the timer is not executed, the timer is always false, and there is no need to execute it later timer = setTimeout(() => { fn.apply(this, arguments); // Finally, set the flag to true after setTimeout is executed // Indicates that the next cycle can be executed. timer = null; }, 1000); }; }
fill() :这是 ES6 中的一个新方法。用指定的元素填充数组,实际上就是用默认的内容初始化数组。
const arrList = Array(6).fill() console.log(arrList) // result: ['','','','','','']
检测是否是函数 其实写完后直接写isFunction就好了,这样可以避免重复写判断。
const isFunction = (obj) => { return typeof obj === "function" && typeof obj.nodeType !== "number" && typeof obj.item !== "function";
检查它是否是一个安全数组,如果不是,用 isArray 方法在这里返回一个空数组。
const safeArray = (array) => { return Array.isArray(array) ? array : []}
// Check whether the current object is a valid object. const isVaildObject = (obj) => { return typeof obj === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj) && Object.keys(obj).length } const safeObject = obj => isVaildObject(obj) ? obj : {}
function filterCharacter(str){ let pattern = new RegExp("[`~!@#$^&*()=:”“'。,、?|{}':;'%,//[//].<>/?~!@#¥……&*()&;—|{ }【】‘;]") let resultStr = ""; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { resultStr = resultStr + str.substr(i, 1).replace(pattern, ''); } return resultStr; } filterCharacter('gyaskjdhy12316789#$%^&!@#1=123,./[') // result: gyaskjdhy123167891123
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