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来源: 责编: 时间:2023-10-26 17:12:02 186观看
导读背景JCStress(Java Concurrency Stress Tests)是一个用于测试和验证Java并发程序正确性的工具。它是OpenJDK项目的一部分,旨在帮助开发人员发现并发程序中的竞态条件、死锁、内存可见性等问题。JCStress提供了一组注解和



JCStress(Java Concurrency Stress Tests)是一个用于测试和验证Java并发程序正确性的工具。它是OpenJDK项目的一部分,旨在帮助开发人员发现并发程序中的竞态条件、死锁、内存可见性等问题。mnE28资讯网——每日最新资讯28at.com



  • 并发测试:JCStress支持编写各种类型的并发测试,包括竞争条件测试、死锁测试、内存可见性测试等。
  • 自动化测试:JCStress会自动执行大量的并发测试用例,并尝试发现潜在的并发问题。
  • 测试报告:JCStress生成详细的测试报告,包括测试结果、执行时间、线程状态等信息,以帮助您分析并发程序的行为。
  • 高度可配置:JCStress提供了丰富的配置选项,如线程数、迭代次数、测试模式等,以满足不同类型的并发测试需求。



  • 在测试类或测试方法上使用JCStress提供的注解,如@JCStressTest、@Actor、@Outcome等,来定义并发测试。
  • 使用JCStress提供的命令行工具或API来运行并发测试,并指定相关的选项和参数。
  • 分析和解释JCStress生成的测试报告,以发现并发问题并进行修复。



/*    This is our first concurrency test. It is deliberately simplistic to show    testing approaches, introduce JCStress APIs, etc.    Suppose we want to see if the field increment is atomic. We can make test    with two actors, both actors incrementing the field and recording what    value they observed into the result object. As JCStress runs, it will    invoke these methods on the objects holding the field once per each actor    and instance, and record what results are coming from there.    Done enough times, we will get the history of observed results, and that    would tell us something about the concurrent behavior.    How to run this test:       $ java -jar jcstress-samples/target/jcstress.jar -t API_01_Simple       ...        .......... [OK] org.openjdk.jcstress.samples.api.API_01_Simple          Scheduling class:            actor1: package group 0, core group 0            actor2: package group 0, core group 0          CPU allocation:            actor1: CPU #3, package #0, core #3            actor2: CPU #35, package #0, core #3          Compilation: split            actor1: C2            actor2: C2          JVM args: []          RESULT      SAMPLES    FREQ       EXPECT  DESCRIPTION            1, 1   46,946,789   10.1%  Interesting  Both actors came up with the same value: atomicity failure.            1, 2  110,240,149   23.8%   Acceptable  actor1 incremented, then actor2.            2, 1  306,529,420   66.1%   Acceptable  actor2 incremented, then actor1. */// Mark the class as JCStress test.@JCStressTest// These are the test outcomes.@Outcome(id = "1, 1", expect = ACCEPTABLE_INTERESTING, desc = "Both actors came up with the same value: atomicity failure.")@Outcome(id = "1, 2", expect = ACCEPTABLE, desc = "actor1 incremented, then actor2.")@Outcome(id = "2, 1", expect = ACCEPTABLE, desc = "actor2 incremented, then actor1.")// This is a state object@Statepublic class API_01_Simple {    int v;    @Actor    public void actor1(II_Result r) {        r.r1 = ++v; // record result from actor1 to field r1    }    @Actor    public void actor2(II_Result r) {        r.r2 = ++v; // record result from actor2 to field r2    }}


@JCStressTest@Outcome(id = {"1, 2", "2, 1"}, expect = ACCEPTABLE, desc = "Mutex works")@Outcome(id = "1, 1",           expect = FORBIDDEN,  desc = "Mutex failure")@Statepublic class Mutex_06_Semaphore {    /*        How to run this test:            $ java -jar jcstress-samples/target/jcstress.jar -t Mutex_06_Semaphore    */    /*      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        Single-permit Semaphore can be used as a crude mutex too. Of course, this primitive        is much more flexible, it can admit a few threads at once with more permits.        On x86_64, AArch64, PPC64:          RESULT      SAMPLES     FREQ      EXPECT  DESCRIPTION            1, 1            0    0.00%   Forbidden  Mutex failure            1, 2  254,394,919   50.23%  Acceptable  Mutex works            2, 1  252,081,625   49.77%  Acceptable  Mutex works     */    private final Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(1);    private int v;    @Actor    public void actor1(II_Result r) {        try {            semaphore.acquire();            // critical section            r.r1 = ++v;            semaphore.release();        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            throw new IllegalStateException(e);        }    }    @Actor    public void actor2(II_Result r) {        try {            semaphore.acquire();            // critical section            r.r2 = ++v;            semaphore.release();        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            throw new IllegalStateException(e);        }    }}







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