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饮食怎么让身体健康英语,英语作文:介绍一日三餐情况 并说明怎样才能达到健康饮食

来源: 责编: 时间:2024-01-08 09:13:42 浏览量:159
导读 I think I have three healthy meals every day. Meals are important for us because we can get energy from them. I usually have an egg, an apple, a cake and a bag of milk for by breakfast. Fo

I think I have three healthy meals every day. Meals are important for us because we can get energy from them. I usually have an egg, an apple, a cake and a bag of milk for by breakfast. For my lunch, I have some meat, a bowl of rice,some vegetables and some fruit juice. I usually have some vegetables and steamed bread for my dinner or noodles and dumplings. Between two meals I usually have some water. I don't often eat snacks and food with lots of fat or sugar because they are bad for my health.lLk28资讯网——每日最新资讯28at.com

本文链接:http://www.28at.com/showinfo-69-3611-0.html饮食怎么让身体健康英语,英语作文:介绍一日三餐情况 并说明怎样才能达到健康饮食


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