public class TransactionInterceptor { public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) { // 该方法调用为核心方法,该方法在父类中 return invokeWithinTransaction(...) ; }}
public abstract class TransactionAspectSupport { protected Object invokeWithinTransaction(...) { // 1.1.创建事务对象 TransactionInfo txInfo = createTransactionIfNecessary(ptm, txAttr, joinpointIdentification); try { // 调用下一个拦截器或者是目标方法 retVal = invocation.proceedWithInvocation(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // 1.2.回滚事务 completeTransactionAfterThrowing(txInfo, ex); throw ex; } finally { // 重置ThreadLocal中的TransactionInfo对象 cleanupTransactionInfo(txInfo); } // 1.3.提交或者回滚事务 commitTransactionAfterReturning(txInfo); return retVal; } }
protected TransactionInfo createTransactionIfNecessary( @Nullable PlatformTransactionManager tm, @Nullable TransactionAttribute txAttr, final String joinpointIdentification) { TransactionStatus status = null; if (txAttr != null) { if (tm != null) { // 创建事务状态对象 status = tm.getTransaction(txAttr); } } // 将事务状态对象包装到TransactionInfo中,然后将这个对象绑定到当前线程中 return prepareTransactionInfo(tm, txAttr, joinpointIdentification, status);}
public abstract class AbstractPlatformTransactionManager { public final TransactionStatus getTransaction(...) { if (isExistingTransaction(transaction)) { // Existing transaction found -> check propagation behavior to find out how to behave. return handleExistingTransaction(def, transaction, debugEnabled); } // 如果超时时间 < -1则抛出异常 if (def.getTimeout() < TransactionDefinition.TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) { throw new InvalidTimeoutException("Invalid transaction timeout", def.getTimeout()); } // 当前不存在事务,则抛出异常 if (def.getPropagationBehavior() == TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_MANDATORY) { throw new IllegalTransactionStateException( "No existing transaction found for transaction marked with propagation 'mandatory'"); } // 其它的传播特性,开启事务功能 else if (def.getPropagationBehavior() == TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRED || def.getPropagationBehavior() == TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW || def.getPropagationBehavior() == TransactionDefinition.PROPAGATION_NESTED) { try { // 开始事务 return startTransaction(def, transaction, debugEnabled, suspendedResources); } } }}
private TransactionStatus startTransaction( TransactionDefinition definition, Object transaction, boolean debugEnabled, @Nullable SuspendedResourcesHolder suspendedResources) { boolean newSynchronization = (getTransactionSynchronization() != SYNCHRONIZATION_NEVER); DefaultTransactionStatus status = newTransactionStatus( definition, transaction, true, newSynchronization, debugEnabled, suspendedResources); // doBegin(transaction, definition); prepareSynchronization(status, definition); return status;}
public class DataSourceTransactionManager { protected void doBegin( Object transaction, TransactionDefinition definition) { DataSourceTransactionObject txObject = (DataSourceTransactionObject) transaction; Connection con = null; try { if (!txObject.hasConnectionHolder() || txObject.getConnectionHolder().isSynchronizedWithTransaction()) { // 获取数据库连接对象 Connection newCon = obtainDataSource().getConnection(); txObject.setConnectionHolder(new ConnectionHolder(newCon), true); } // 将连接对象绑定到当前的线程 if (txObject.isNewConnectionHolder()) { TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource(obtainDataSource(), txObject.getConnectionHolder()); } } }}
public class JdbcTemplate { // 核心执行方法 private <T> T execute(...) { // 获取数据库连接对象 Connection con = DataSourceUtils.getConnection(obtainDataSource()); }}
public abstract class DataSourceUtils { public static Connection getConnection(DataSource dataSource) throws CannotGetJdbcConnectionException { try { return doGetConnection(dataSource) ; } } public static Connection doGetConnection(DataSource dataSource) throws SQLException { // 通过TransactionSynchronizationManager从当前线程上下文中获取连接对象 // 在上面我们也是通过这个对象将连接对象绑定到当前的Thread中 ConnectionHolder conHolder = (ConnectionHolder) TransactionSynchronizationManager.getResource(dataSource); if (conHolder != null && (conHolder.hasConnection() || conHolder.isSynchronizedWithTransaction())) { conHolder.requested() ; if (!conHolder.hasConnection()) { conHolder.setConnection(fetchConnection(dataSource)) ; } return conHolder.getConnection() ; } }}
static class PersonService { @Resource private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; @Resource private DataSource dataSource ; @Transactional public void save() throws Exception { CountDownLatch cdl = new CountDownLatch(2) ; AtomicBoolean txRollback = new AtomicBoolean(false) ; CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { Person person = new Person(); person.setAge(1); person.setName("张三"); transactionTemplate.execute(status -> { int result = 0 ; try { result = jdbcTemplate.update("insert into t_person (age, name) values (?, ?)", person.getAge(), person.getName()) ; // TODO // System.out.println(1 / 0) ; } catch (Exception e) { // 当发生异常后将状态该为true txRollback.set(true) ; } try { // 计数减一 cdl.countDown() ; // 继续等待其它线程结束 cdl.await() ; } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // 如果回滚状态为true说明有线程发生了异常,需要事务回滚 if (txRollback.get()) { // 标记当前事务回滚 status.setRollbackOnly() ; } System.out.printf("%s Insert Operator Result: %d 次%n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), result); return result ; }) ; }) ; transactionTemplate.execute(status -> { Person person = new Person(); person.setAge(2); person.setName("李四"); int result = 0 ; try { result = jdbcTemplate.update("insert into t_person (age, name) values (?, ?)", person.getAge(), person.getName()) ; // TODO TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(3) ; } catch (Exception e) { txRollback.set(true) ; } try { cdl.countDown() ; cdl.await() ; } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (txRollback.get()) { // 回滚 status.setRollbackOnly() ; } System.out.printf("%s Insert Operator Result: %d 次%n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), result); return result ; }) ; cdl.await() ; System.err.println("Operator Complete...") ; }}
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